Éliminer les conjectures sur les filtres – Comment fonctionne notre filtre MEO HELIX ?

TAKING THE GUESSWORK OUT OF FILTERS - HOW DOES THE MEO HELIX FILTER WORK? Weather, like life, can sometimes be very unpredictable and uncertain. Just ask 1 News reporter Carolyn Robinson who went in search of good, sunny news for this year’s summer in New Zealand, but was instead greeted with predictions of a rainy and cloudy one. Donned in her MEO lite face mask, Carolyn tried to shoo away her blues with an ice-cream, only to realise that the mask was still on (something, we are all very guilty of!). Too many things in life are unpredictable and left up to chance, and that’s why we at MEO Air  believe in providing certainty and surety with our products. Our face masks and filters are created from years of research and developments in science. A merger between...

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